No Salmo 23, David fala a seu Deus e mostra sua confiança. John Rutter musica esse salmo em uma orquestração que transmite a sensação das campinas verdejantes... em momentos de atribulação, o texto e a música ajudam a dar refrigério à alma
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass
and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
3 He gives me new strength.
He guides me in the right paths,
as he has promised.
4 Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me.
I have everything I need.
2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass
and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
3 He gives me new strength.
He guides me in the right paths,
as he has promised.
4 Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me.
5 You
prepare a banquet for me,
where all my enemies can see me;
you welcome me as an honored guest
and fill my cup to the brim.
6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
and your house will be my home as long as I live.
where all my enemies can see me;
you welcome me as an honored guest
and fill my cup to the brim.
6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
and your house will be my home as long as I live.
1. O Senhor é o meu
pastor, nada me faltará.
2. Deitar-me faz em
verdes pastos, guia-me mansamente a águas tranqüilas.
3. Refrigera a minha
alma; guia-me pelas veredas da justiça, por amor do seu nome.
4. Ainda que eu andasse
pelo vale da sombra da morte, não temeria mal algum, porque Tu estás comigo; a
tua vara e o teu cajado me consolam.
5. Preparas uma mesa
perante a mim na presença dos meus inimigos, unges a minha cabeça com óleo, o
meu cálice transborda.
6. Certamente que a
bondade e a misericórdia divina me seguirão todos os dias da minha vida; e
habitarei na casa do Senhor por longos dias .
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